Michael B. Merickel - Charlottesville VA
Charles S. Carman - Charlottesville VA
James R. Brookeman - Charlottesville VA
John P. Mugler - Charlottesville VA
Carlos R. Ayers - Charlottesville VA
Center for Innovative Technology - Herndon VA
International Classification:
G06F 1570
There is disclosed an image processing, pattern recognition and computer graphics system and method for the noninvasive identification and evaluation of atheroscelerosis using multidimensional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). Functional information, such as plaque tissue type, is combined with structure information, represented by the 3-D vessel and plaque structure, into a single composite 3-D display. The system and method is performed with the application of unsupervised pattern recognition techniques and rapid 3-D display methods appropriate to the simultaneous display of multiple data classes. The results are a high information content display which aids in the diagnosis and analysis of the atherosclerotic disease process, and permits detailed and quantitative studies to assess the effectiveness of therapies, such as drug, exercise and dietary regimens.