Brian Ebel - Towson MD, US
International Classification:
A43B 7/14
A foot pad for relieving pain while engaging in weight bearing activity is provided. A pad can include an arch portion fitting under and adjacent to the medial longitudinal arch of the foot, offsetting the soft tissue of the medial longitudinal arch thereby supporting the calcaneo-navicular ligament structure, wherein the arch portion extends from front to rear, of the longitudinal medial arch, and the arch portion extends from the medial side towards the lateral side, of the longitudinal medial arch. Furthermore, the pad can provide a heel portion of the pad fitting under the heel of the foot, the heel portion connecting a medial side portion of the pad to a lateral side portion of the pad, cushioning and reduces soreness and pressure from the sole of the foot by offsetting the soft tissue of the medial longitudinal arch, thereby supporting the calcaneo-navicular ligament structure reducing over-pronation and increasing supination of the foot during weight bearing activity, offsetting and cushioning the soft tissue of the outer portions of sole of the heel and offsetting the central portion of the heel from the surface immediately below the pad at a distance of approximately the thickness of the pad, during weight bearing activity.