Physical Therapist at Orthosports Physical Therapy, Physical Therapist at Orthosports Physical Therapy
Buffalo/Niagara, New York Area
Orthosports Physical Therapy
- Snyder New York since Nov 2005
Physical Therapist
Orthosports Physical Therapy
since Nov 2005
Physical Therapist
Christ The King Seminary 2000 - 2003
Masters of Pastoral Ministry
Daeemn College 1981 - 1986
BS of Physical Therapy
Sports Medicine, Rehabilitation, Orthopedic Rehabilitation, Orthopedic, Physical Therapy, Certified Lymphedema Therapist, Acute Care, Outpatient Orthopedics, Home Care, Manual Therapy, Rehab, Exercise Prescription, Shoulder, Inpatient, Knee, Musculoskeletal Physiotherapy, Patient Education, Low Back Pain, Myofascial Release, Cpr Certified, Neck Pain, Spinal Cord Injury, Strength Training