Jean-Claude Bradley - Philadelphia PA, US
Benjamin Samuel - Philadelphia PA, US
Nadarajan Babu - Philadelphia PA, US
International Classification:
A database system is provided that allows for navigation to outgoing links and incoming links. The database system is defined by a plurality of database-oriented projects. Each project has one or more parameters. Each project also has one or more instances thereof. An entry is associated with each parameter in each instance of a project. In a project, a parameter may be defined as being a parameter of a previously defined project. If so, then the parameter is designated as a link to the parameter of the previously defined project. The link designation changes the structure of the database system. The name of a previously defined instance of a previously defined project is entered for the linked parameter entry. When a previously defined instance of a project having at least one linked parameter entry is displayed, an instance of a project having a linked parameter entry may be viewed by selecting the respective link from the display, thereby providing navigation to an outgoing link. The display further includes links to any instances having at least one link to the currently displayed instance of a project. The linked instances may be viewed by selecting the respectively displayed link from the display, thereby providing navigation to an incoming link. Furthermore, the entire process may be performed through a web browser interface. Also, reports are periodically generated of any user activity relating to users defining, modifying or viewing projects, parameters or instances. The reports are electronically communicated to predefined entities, thereby allowing the entities to be periodically made aware of any activity within the database system, including any changes made to the structure of the database as a result of defining or modifying projects. Knowledge exchange schemes are implemented using the database systems.