Andrew David Wilson - Seattle WA, US
Hrvoje Benko - Sealttle WA, US
Microsoft Corporation - Redmond WA
International Classification:
H04N 13/04
Architecture that combines multiple depth cameras and multiple projectors to cover a specified space (e.g., a room). The cameras and projectors are calibrated, allowing the development of a multi-dimensional (e.g., 3D) model of the objects in the space, as well as the ability to project graphics in a controlled fashion on the same objects. The architecture incorporates the depth data from all depth cameras, as well as color information, into a unified multi-dimensional model in combination with calibrated projectors. In order to provide visual continuity when transferring objects between different locations in the space, the user's body can provide a canvas on which to project this interaction. As the user moves body parts in the space, without any other object, the body parts can serve as temporary “screens” for “in-transit” data.